CRS, the official international relief and development agency of the U.S. Catholic community, is marking the 50th anniversary of its Rice Bowl program, which has raised more than $350 million to support domestic and overseas poverty relief efforts.
Amid U.S. foreign aid freeze, CRS’ Rice Bowl could be in ‘its strongest moment,’ says founder
At the start of Catholic Relief Services’ 2025 Rice Bowl initiative — an annual Lenten program blending almsgiving and prayer to provide aid to overseas and domestic aid — OSV News spoke with Rice Bowl founder Monsignor Robert Coll, a retired priest of the Diocese of Allentown, Pa., about the program as it marks its 50th year.
Fasting through Mom’s Lenten meals
In retrospect, all these meals were as awful as they sound, but — whether intentionally or not — they delivered a message that our fasting and our abstinences were meant to be taken seriously and not subverted through technicalities.
Mary: The perfect Lenten companion
In celebrating Lent and in every season of the liturgical year, it is good to recall the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, that the “Church honors with special love the Blessed Mary, Mother of God, who is joined by an inseparable bond to the saving work of her Son.”
Jesus’ life shows how essential prayer is, Archbishop Broglio says in Lenten homily
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, head of the U.S. military archdiocese, reminded the congregation at an Ash Wednesday Mass of the elements of “our blessed journey” of Lent: “prayer, self-denial and charity.”
What’s for dinner?
May Lent offer you the opportunity to experience Jesus’ love in a new way. And, as you walk your Lenten journey, know that this season can offer a time to grow closer to God without lentils – unless you personally happen to see them as a sign of Jesus’ love for you.
The Way of the Cross: Not only for Lent
Frequently and piously walking with him, contemplating his suffering and sharing our crosses, especially when we feel abandoned or in despair, gives us courage and hope.
Cardinal McElroy urges Washington Archdiocese faithful to ‘give whole hearts to God’ during Lent
Less than a week before he will be officially installed as the eighth archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Robert W. McElroy celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass March 5 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington.
Bishop Zaidan: Lent a call to support poor, vulnerable as ‘neighbors without borders
Lent marks a call to live out God’s love by supporting those in desperate need across the globe, said Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace.
Pope text: Ash Wednesday teaches human fragility, Gospel hope
The journey of Lent “unfolds amid the remembrance of our fragility and the hope that, at the end of the road, the Risen Lord is waiting for us,” Pope Francis wrote in his homily for Ash Wednesday.
Lenten campaign focuses on persecuted Christians; priest’s murder makes message more urgent
Aid to the Church in Need’s call to the faithful to reflect this Lenten season on the persecution of Christians has taken on more urgency with the news that a Nigerian priest was found murdered on Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent.
Lent and the purification of memory
The annual 40-day pilgrimage through the desert of Lent, patterned on the Lord’s forty days in the Judaean wilderness in preparation for his public ministry, is the preeminent moment in the Church’s year of grace for the purification of memory — especially our memories of the successes and failures of living missionary discipleship since Pentecost 2024 closed last year’s season of paschal celebration.