Father Bauer, Orioles’ chaplain, goes to bat for God and the O’s March 24, 2016By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports Father John Bauer was looking for a cold drink on a hot day at the ballpark when God threw him a curveball.
Awash in hope October 9, 2014By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Amen Matysek Commentary, Commentary, Sports If you want to meet some of the most passionate and quirky fans in baseball, come to Section 336 in the upper deck of Oriole Park at Camden Yards.
John Harbaugh connects faith, work and family March 6, 2013By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports Some of the best advice John Harbaugh ever received came on the day Steve Bisciotti hired him as head coach.
Ravens rookie Justin Tucker talks football and faith October 11, 2012By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports, Video Since he joined the Ravens this season, Tucker, who is Catholic, has earned points for both his kicks and his personality. Teammates have described the six-foot-tall, 180-pound kicker as fun-loving, goofy, “good weird,” a live wire and silly.
Blind Mount Carmel student overcomes big challenges June 7, 2012By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Disabilities Ministry, Local News, News, Schools, Sports “I feel like I have to overcompensate by being the best I can in anything and everything I try,” said Dulany, his hand thumping a table for emphasis during an interview at his high school. “If I had a nickel for every time I was frustrated, I’d be rich. I didn’t give up. I never give up.”
Westminster parish marks 40 years of basketball, thanks to veteran volunteers January 26, 2012By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports WESTMINSTER – Sitting in the bleachers as the repeated booming echoes of bouncing basketballs filled St. John’s gymnasium, Larry Baker and Donald “Bo” Yingling seemed like proud fathers.
Men in Black games get a ‘W’ in promoting vocations October 27, 2011By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports, Vocations Designed as a way of promoting religious vocations, the Men in Black basketball game was all about fun and awareness.
Ravens’ Matt Birk speaks up for life March 17, 2011By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News, Respect Life, Sports “It seems like our society and media want to push pro-lifers to the side and hope that we would shut our mouths and go away quietly,” said Birk, whose 6’4’’, 310-pound frame struck a distinct figure among the hundreds of marchers who filed through downtown streets. “Let’s not do that.”
St. Frances dedicates basketball court to nun October 14, 2010By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports Many high school basketball fans have crystallized the multi-championship, 1995-1996 season for St. Frances Academy’s boys basketball team into All-American Mark Karcher doing everything himself.
Brooks Robinson, Oriole legend, buoyed by faith, family, friends May 10, 2010By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports Hall of Fame third baseman Brooks Robinson is a convert to the Catholic faith who believes in the power of prayer.
Boylan will continue to influence Loyola athletics March 4, 2010By Paul McMullen Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports “As all good leaders do, Joe led by example,” said Jesuit Father Brian F. Linnane, the Loyola president. “He’s a person of enormous integrity. Joe could be really tough if you didn’t live up to those standards, in terms of not just athletic performance, but representing the university in ways we could be proud of.”
Church ties pre-date coaching for Jim Phelan November 27, 2008By Paul McMullen Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports From a parish school in South Philadelphia to the Catoctin Mountains, Phelan spent 65 years on campuses affiliated with the church.