A New Year, more Christmas, and a surprise visitor (7 Quick Takes) January 1, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Christmas, Commentary, Open Window ~1~ Happy New Year! I have never had much success with resolutions, but I do love setting the tone for the year. I let Jen Fulwiler’s Word of the Year generator choose a word for me—Hospitality—and her Saint of the Year generator pick a saint for me—St. Margaret of Antioch. Hospitality seems to bring its […]
Most popular stories, commentaries and podcasts of 2021 on CatholicReview.org December 28, 2021By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Christmas, Feature, Journalism, Local News, News, Radio Interview What were the most popular stories, commentaries and podcasts on CatholicReview.org in 2021? We have the list!
Christians in Bethlehem on Christmas: Tell the world we have joy December 28, 2021By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Christmas, Feature, News, Vatican, World News The normal crowds of pilgrims and tourists may not have been able to come to Bethlehem for Christmas due to COVID-19 travel restrictions for a second year in a row, but local Palestinian Christians wanted to assure everyone that the Christmas spirit is still alive and well in the city of Jesus’ birth.
A partridge in a pear tree and other Christmas fun (7 Quick Takes) December 26, 2021By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Christmas, Commentary, Open Window Merry Christmas! Here are a few highlights of our Christmas celebration so far.
Pope at Christmas: ‘God comes into the world in littleness’ December 26, 2021By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service Filed Under: Christmas, Feature, News, Vatican, World News The celebration of Christmas serves as a reminder that God did not reveal his greatness in a grand spectacle, but rather in the “littleness” of a poor, vulnerable child born in a stable in Bethlehem, Pope Francis said.
How can we be peacemakers in a divided world? December 24, 2021By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Baltimore Basilica, Christmas, Feature, Local News, News, Western Vicariate In this Christmas season, Christians are often reminded that Christ is the “Prince of Peace” foretold by the prophet Isaiah. We sing songs of peace on earth and good will toward all. But what does it mean to be a peacemaker? What are practical ways to heal the divide?
A Child is born to us December 24, 2021By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Advent, Blog, Christmas, Commentary, Open Window There is nothing like the happy news of a brand-new baby.
The sacred earthiness of Christmas December 24, 2021By George Weigel Syndicated Columnist Filed Under: Christmas, Commentary, Feature, The Catholic Difference “Besides the cradle in which our Lord, it is alleged, was rocked, is the stone manger of the grotto of Bethlehem. One of the stones of this manger is shown in the basilica of St. Maria Maggiore on the Esquiline, in the altar of the crypt of the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament.
When Christmas doesn’t go as planned December 23, 2021By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Advent, Blog, Christmas, Commentary, Open Window Whatever your Christmas looks like this year, I hope you find your way to the manger, and that you encounter moments of beauty, hope, and joy.
This year Catholics have a dual Mass obligation the weekend of Dec. 25-26 December 23, 2021By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Christmas, Feature, News, World News If you go to Christmas Mass on Saturday, do you still have to go to Sunday Mass the next day? Is Jan. 1, the solemnity of Mary, a holy day of obligation this year?
Jesus’ humble birth a reminder of God’s love for humanity, pope says December 22, 2021By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service Filed Under: Christmas, Feature, News, Vatican, World News The birth of the son of God in a humble stable, in the presence of both lowly shepherds and majestic Magi, is a “universal event that concerns all of humanity,” Pope Francis said.
A meditation on Mary’s heart at the Nativity December 22, 2021By Cassandra Palmer Catholic News Service Filed Under: Christmas, Commentary, Feature, Guest Commentary All along, Mary’s immaculate heart had always been fertile ground for God’s love to grow.