Easter gives us reason to hope April 3, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Easter Easter means that what is ugliest in our lives is made not only beautiful, but glorious.
The great restoration April 2, 2024By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, From the Archbishop Just as an old car is most thoroughly restored when its body is removed from its frame, something like that happens when we die: our body and soul are separated until the resurrection of the dead.
50 Days of Rejoicing April 1, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Easter, Open Window Somehow it seems easier to lean into the penance and sacrifice of Lent than the extended exultation of Easter. Maybe a day or two—or even a week—of rejoicing seems manageable. But 50 days? How will we ever be able sustain it?
Easter hope in hard times March 30, 2024By Woodeene Koenig-Bricker OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Easter As Christians, we are called to be a sign of the resurrected Christ to the world. Let’s stop for a moment and consider how we can find hope — even in life’s hard times.
Let’s celebrate Easter for a while March 29, 2024By Greg Erlandson OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Easter, Lent Express gratitude for the blessing that this, the greatest feast in the church calendar, truly is.
50 days of Easter spirit March 28, 2024By Lorene Hanley Duquin OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Easter Most people don’t think in terms of Easter spirit. Yet the Easter season is a time that is filled with a spirit of joy and hope.
All That We Can Do March 27, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Bridge Collapse, Commentary, Open Window Prayer is so powerful. Telling someone you are praying for them—and following through—can be an extraordinary gift.
Should Jesus be depicted on crucifixes as alive or dead? March 27, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner The crucifixion was a progressive event in time, not one static snapshot, so it would be reasonable for an artist to choose to portray any number of given points of this part of Jesus’ passion.
Resurrection’s reality rooted in truth of empty tomb March 26, 2024By Carl E. Olson OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Easter When it comes to Jesus and the resurrection, the world offers a host of opinions, most of which dismiss and deny the possibility that “this man” was “raised on the third day” by God. But, as St. John Henry Newman pointed out, “No one is a martyr for a conclusion, no one is a martyr for an opinion; it is faith that makes martyrs.”
How to be ‘distinctly Catholic’ in a polarized political world March 25, 2024By Charlie Camosy OSV News Filed Under: Books, Commentary Kenneth Craycraft, associate professor of moral theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary and School of Theology in Cincinnati, Ohio, has a new book, “Citizens Yet Strangers: Living Authentically Catholic in a Divided America,” which looks at how faithful Catholics can engage in today’s polarized political climate. He recently spoke with OSV News’ Charlie Camosy about the book and the current political landscape.
At Easter, the church offers us ways to celebrate fully our being reconciled with God March 24, 2024By Paul Senz OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Easter Easter is a time of pure and boundless joy. The Easter season lasts 50 days, from Easter Sunday until Pentecost. The joy that comes from the Resurrection cannot be contained in a single day.
Question Corner: Why isn’t a pro-life petition part of the Prayer of the Faithful for every Mass? March 21, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner, Respect Life In more typical parish settings, perhaps the pro-life intention might be “hidden” and implicit rather than explicit and obvious in a given intercession.