A funeral Mass was offered Nov. 20 at Assisi House in Aston, Pa., for Sister Ann Joseph Hartman.
Catholic bishops conference disinvites Bransfield from fall assembly
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in consultation with the members of the USCCB Administrative Committee, has taken the highly unusual step of disinviting a fellow bishop from the conference’s fall general assembly.
A day at the races, searching for costumes, homemade birthday cards, and more (7 Quick Takes)
Our friend Theresa invited us to go to the Maryland Million with her, so our boys and I headed down to Laurel for a few hours at the races.
Bishop Madden to lead Baltimore prayer walk for peace Sept. 4
Bishop Denis J. Madden, urban vicar and auxiliary bishop emeritus of Baltimore, will lead a prayer walk for peace Sept. 4 at St. Edward in Baltimore.
At Quo Vadis retreat, it’s easy to meet ‘new seminarian every day’
EMMITSBURG – Quo Vadis, an annual summer retreat for high-school aged males considering a religious vocation, took a different tack July 25. The retreat is hosted by seminarians of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. On the third of its four days, however, 62 participants heard not from a seminarian studying Theology or in his pastoral year, […]
Bishop Brennan named to lead Wheeling-Charleston diocese
Pope Francis named Bishop Mark E. Brennan as bishop of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, which encompasses the state of West Virginia. The July 23 announcement was publicized in Washington, D.C., by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States.
He will become the ninth bishop of the diocese, which had been the Diocese of Wheeling from its founding in 1850 until 1962, when it became the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.
Sister Dorothy Rachuba, SSND, taught in Baltimore Catholic schools for 60 years, dies at age 92
Sister Dorothy first encountered the School Sisters of Notre Dame at Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Highlandtown.
Staycationing fun, Berger cookies, and other wishes that come true (7 Quick Takes)
My sons and I have been staycationing this week, and I don’t know how we can ever fit this week into only 7 Quick Takes. Sit back, buckle up, and let’s go!
Bishop Madden to lead Baltimore prayer walk for peace June 27
Bishop Denis J. Madden, urban vicar and auxiliary bishop emeritus of Baltimore, will lead a prayer walk for peace June 27 at Transfiguration Catholic Community in Baltimore
A graduation address by the rider-less Preakness horse, Bodexpress
If you run the race you were meant to run, if you do it with heart and conviction and joy, you will discover you don’t need the winner’s circle. Because you will already have won.
More than 600 throughout Archdiocese of Baltimore seek entrance into the Catholic Church
In Annapolis, Baltimore and Emmitsburg, 611 people seeking full communion with the Catholic Church gathered for the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion March 10.
Guests ‘shine’ at Ellicott City special needs prom
Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, the prom experience was hosted by churches around the world the night of Feb. 8. A first-time host, OLPH was the only Archdiocese of Baltimore parish to participate.