Robyn Barberry Commentary CommentaryLentUnconditional Deliver yourself from (weekend) temptation Robyn BarberryMarch 3, 20234 min read We are less than a week into Lent and the weariness is setting in for many of us who have chosen to make a Lenten sacrifice. CommentaryUnconditional Resolution Revival: Assemble a team to get back to your goals Robyn BarberryJanuary 23, 20233 min read Whenever you can, ask the people closest to you, your family and your best friends, to keep reminding you of your goal and, when possible, to join you in pursuing it. CommentaryHealth CareUnconditional Longing for the light: Detecting and treating seasonal affective disorder Robyn BarberryJanuary 18, 20234 min read According to Psychology Today, about 10 million Americans suffer from seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, a condition that doctors believe is related to the lack of sunlight that is caused by shorter winter days. CommentaryUnconditional Just trust Robyn BarberryNovember 16, 20224 min read God may not have invented the cell phone or the bacon-egg-and-cheese bagel, but he did create us and he knows where we are weak. CommentaryUnconditional ‘I have cancer, but cancer doesn’t have me:’ Denise Collins’ ovarian cancer journey Robyn BarberrySeptember 29, 20226 min read Denise Collins chronicled her cancer treatment experience with awe-inspiring courage, relentless optimism and a good bit of humor. CommentaryUnconditional Power of prayer can pull you out of low-power mode Robyn BarberrySeptember 15, 20223 min read Conserve your power to empower yourself and empower our Lord. CommentaryUnconditional It’s been over a year since I last posted here. Let me tell you why. Robyn BarberrySeptember 6, 20223 min read Sometimes I imagine the Holy Spirit as a butterfly sitting on my shoulder, brushing my cheeks with its wings, whispering softly in my ear. CommentaryUnconditionalVocations The Call Robyn BarberryAugust 18, 20214 min read Robyn Barberry talks with priests and brothers about their call to religious life. CommentaryUnconditionalVocations Priest Life, Part 1: The Challenge Robyn BarberryAugust 3, 20213 min read The most important thing I want readers to learn is that priests never lose their sense of individuality. #IamCatholicBlogCommentaryCoronavirusUnconditional Gifted by the Holy Spirit: An evening with ValLimar Jansen Robyn BarberryMay 27, 20214 min read After a year like this, we needed a breath of fresh air and ValLimar is precisely that. Previous 1 … 1 2 3 … 8 Next