Refresh yourself – spiritually, too June 2, 2017By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Behind the Headlines, Blog, Commentary If it’s good to dust off the cobwebs in our home, it’s even better to sweep clean your heart and soul.
Reading the signs of the times May 24, 2017By Richard Doerflinger Filed Under: Commentary We need strong communities of faith. But they should refresh us and arm us to go out and remind others of our more excellent way.
Going fishing May 24, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Commentary, The Domestic Church What do I do to inspire others to become fishers of men? Do I ever convey that joy, that excitement, in being a follower of Christ that someone would stop to ask me about Jesus?
Our Lady of Fatima and a theological reading of history May 19, 2017By Bishop Robert Barron Filed Under: Commentary, Word on Fire The series of Fatima appearances — lasting from May until October of 1917 — is one of the most extraordinary in the history of the church.
How often should a deacon preach?/Adoption by same-sex couple May 16, 2017By Father Kenneth Doyle Filed Under: Commentary, deacons, Question Corner Father Doyle fields questions on deacons preaching at Mass and the Catholic Church’s position on adoption by same-sex couples.
Good examples of virtue May 15, 2017By John Garvey Filed Under: Campus Ministry, Commentary, Intellect and Virtue Commencement speakers do communicate an important parting lesson. But the lesson is embodied in the life of the honoree. This should not be so surprising. Isn’t this how we always learn the practice of virtue?
Priests born out of wedlock?/ Marriage to non-Christian May 9, 2017By Father Kenneth Doyle Filed Under: Commentary Father Doyle fields questions about priests born out of wedlock and marriage to a non-Christian.
In Baltimore, five quick years for Archbishop Lori May 9, 2017By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Amen, Amen Gunty Commentary, Commentary Five years in as the 16th shepherd of the first diocese in the United States, it seems like Archbishop Lori is just getting started.
Doing good by resisting evil May 3, 2017By Father Joseph Breighner Filed Under: Commentary, Respect Life, Wit & Wisdom The strength to resist evil and the power to do good can sum up the moral behavior of Christians.
Tired of religious discrimination? April 28, 2017By Richard Doerflinger Filed Under: Commentary All believers should worry about policies that treat them as second-class citizens.
Baptism by nurse in hospital/ Which knee for genuflection? April 24, 2017By Father Kenneth Doyle Filed Under: Commentary According to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, “a genuflection, made by bending the right knee to the ground, signifies adoration, and therefore it is reserved for the Most Blessed Sacrament.”
The Benedict Option and the identity/relevance dilemma April 21, 2017By Bishop Robert Barron Filed Under: Commentary The very intensity of the interest in The Benedict Option in one way proves Dreher’s central point, namely, that there is a widely-felt instinct that something has gone rather deeply wrong with the culture and that classical Christianity, at least in the West, is in a bit of a mess.