New species of screech owl in Amazon named after Sister Dorothy Stang June 1, 2021By Lise Alves Catholic News Service Filed Under: Environment, Feature, News, Social Justice, World News Dubbed the Xingu screech owl, the little creature was given a scientific name of “Megascops stangiae” in honor of the late Sister Dorothy Stang, a U.S.-born Sister of Notre Dame de Namur.
Louisiana Catholic church rolling out red carpet for lapsed gators June 1, 2021By Peter Finney Jr. Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, World News Alligators are a dime a dozen in south Louisiana, but Father Stephen Dardis, pastor of Holy Family Church in Luling, said he was dutifully impressed by the ambitious journey of a 7-foot gator that ended within a few feet of the front steps of the church.
Memorial Day called a reminder to nation ‘we better protect’ our freedom May 30, 2021By Jennifer Barton Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, World News Memorial Day is “for everyone who’s departed — military, nonmilitary, moms, dads, children,” stated Miller.
Baltimore Archdiocese’s Irvington parish offers serene setting for COVID-19 vaccination clinic May 29, 2021By Matthew Liptak Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Coronavirus, Feature, Local News, News More than one recipient found comfort while waiting for a COVID-19 vaccination May 28, thanks to the grace-filled setting of St. Joseph’s Passionist Monastery Church in Baltimore’s Irvington community.
Baltimore Basilica looks to next 200 years May 28, 2021By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Baltimore Basilica, Feature, Local News, News “I want the basilica to become the parish to the parishes of Baltimore,” Father Boric said. “I want this to be the place where all the parishes know they can come to pray and experience the beauty of our Catholic tradition.”
Approaching retirement, Monsignor Luca leaves monumental legacy of parish expansion and pastoral sensitivity May 27, 2021By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Feature, Local News, News, Retirement, Western Vicariate “Monumental” is an apt description of Monsignor Joseph L. Luca’s accomplishments at St. Louis Parish in Clarksville.
Pope names English archbishop to lead worship congregation May 27, 2021By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Pope Francis named English Archbishop Arthur Roche to lead the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, the Vatican said.
Seminaries in Archdiocese of Baltimore among those committing to sexual misconduct policy benchmarks May 27, 2021By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, Feature, Local News, News, Vocations Eighteen seminaries – including St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore and Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg – have committed to meeting five sexual misconduct policy benchmarks developed by a group of laypeople, seminary leaders and bishops.
California bishop prays for victims of another ‘senseless’ shooting May 27, 2021By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, World News San Jose Bishop Oscar Cantú urged prayers for the victims and their families after a gunman opened fired the morning of May 26 at a rail yard operated by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, or VTA, north of downtown San Jose.
USCCB president explains how planned discussion on Eucharist was set May 26, 2021By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, World News After receiving an unprecedented letter from 67 bishops appealing for a delay in a discussion during the bishops’ upcoming spring general assembly on whether to prepare a teaching document on the reception of Communion, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ president explained in a memo the procedure followed in bringing the question to a vote during the June 16-18 virtual meeting.
Father Gosnell, who served as pastor and on archdiocesan Tribunal, dies at 69 May 26, 2021By Mary K. Tilghman Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Obituaries Father Stephen D. Gosnell, a Knight of the Holy Sepulcher and former pastor of the parishes of All Saints in Liberty Heights, Prince of Peace in Edgewood, and St. Andrew by the Bay in Annapolis, died May 23 in his apartment at Mercy Ridge in Timonium.
As he prepares to retire, Father Muth says welcoming is a hallmark of St. Matthew Parish May 26, 2021By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Feature, Local News, News, Retirement Since his ordination as a priest in 1974, Father Joe Muth said his favorite part of parish ministry has been “suddenly and intimately” connected with people’s lives.