commeNTARY CommentaryEucharist A Eucharistic Word: Waiting Michael R. HeinleinNovember 21, 20243 min read The Eucharist, as the source and summit of Christian life, has much to teach us about waiting. CommentaryQuestion CornerWorship & Sacraments Question Corner: Is Dec. 9 a holy day of obligation this year? Jenna Marie CooperNovember 20, 20244 min read The solution for competing solemnities is to transfer the liturgical celebration of the non-Sunday holy day to the first subsequent available date. Thus, in the year 2024, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated in our liturgy on Monday, Dec. 9. Commentary In my end is my beginning Scott P. RichertNovember 20, 20243 min read For those of us who have been united through baptism to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the last day of each of our lives does not fade away into eternal night but opens onto a new day, at the height of which we will rest in the glorious splendor of the perpetual light of God, every moment of our lives on this earth held in his eternal memory. CommentaryEucharist A pilgrim reflects upon traveling hundreds of miles with the Eucharist Kai WeissNovember 20, 20246 min read As one of the perpetual pilgrims who traveled with him for the entire two months, I got to experience the adventure of a lifetime. CommentaryKnights of ColumbusWar in Ukraine ‘Don’t leave us alone’ Jenny KraskaNovember 18, 20244 min read What emerged from their words was the indomitable will of Ukrainians not to give in to circumstances, to resist and begin again to rebuild what was destroyed, thanks in part to the vital support of the Knights’ organization and Caritas Ukraine. BibleCommentary A faith that questions Jaymie Stuart WolfeNovember 18, 20244 min read Salvation history can be told through the questions that appear in Scripture. 2024 ElectionCommentary Focus on God Effie CaldarolaNovember 15, 20243 min read Like many, I was appalled at the dehumanizing words and lies spoken about migrants in the recent election, and the joy expressed about the threats to tear families apart by deporting hard working people hoping for citizenship. Words hurt. BlogCommentaryOpen Window What little we have to give Rita BuettnerNovember 14, 20243 min read The other day I was in a meeting at work. We were introducing ourselves to a group of people visiting from outside our organization. When it was time for one of my coworkers to introduce himself, he mentioned he had just started working there recently. The person leading the meeting laughed. He dismissed my new […] 2024 ElectionCommentary Trump victory signals new hope of coalition building for Catholics Kenneth CraycraftNovember 13, 20244 min read While economics largely drove the result of this election, we Catholics understand that many cultural and social issues are far more important than decreasing interest rates and controlling inflation. CommentaryQuestion CornerUncategorized Question Corner: What’s the scriptural basis for praying for dead and venerating relics? Jenna Marie CooperNovember 13, 20244 min read The Catholic customs of praying for the souls of the dead, praying to the saints who have gone before us in earthly life, and of venerating relics are based primarily in the church’s long-standing tradition and theology rather than explicit scriptural “prooftexts.” However, the Bible does indeed allude to these practices. Previous 1 … 2 3 4 … 239 Next