Pope tells Marxist group good policies cannot be dictated by the market January 10, 2024By Justin McLellan Catholic News Service Filed Under: News, Social Justice, Vatican, World News Societies must consider how their people can share challenges and resources, the pope told representatives of a dialogue project bringing together socialists, Marxists and Christians.
First woman named to key Philadelphia archdiocesan post inspired by faith of other women January 1, 2024By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, World News Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez of Philadelphia announced Dec. 1 the appointment of Heather Huot as that archdiocese’s secretary for Catholic Human Services, overseeing three agencies — Catholic Social Services, Catholic Housing and Community Services and Nutritional Development Services — that combine to form the largest faith-based human services provider in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Unions racked up major 2023 wins for family-wage jobs in multiple sectors, setting stage for 2024 January 1, 2024By Kimberly Heatherington OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, World News In the past 12 months, an extraordinary level of nationwide activity — organizing, strikes, negotiations and new contracts — has signaled increased influence for American labor unions, which once counted 21 million U.S. workers among their ranks.
Memorial services around country honor fallen homeless December 27, 2023By Sam Lucero OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, World News At least 20 people experiencing homelessness in the United States die every day, according to HomelessDeathsCount.org. To help remember and honor those who have died, the National Coalition for the Homeless began sponsoring memorial services in 1990.
Catholic experts say rule to let franchise employees join unions would be major labor advance December 26, 2023By Kimberly Heatherington OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, World News If a new federal labor ruling goes into effect in late February, millions of franchise employees and contractors will find it easier to form or join unions
Baltimore City’s inclusive housing a triumph for Catholic activism December 8, 2023By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Our Faith in Action, Social Justice Given the meandering pace at which building plans make their way through Baltimore city offices to final approval before construction begins, it should take at least two years before the new inclusionary – meaning, affordable – housing law, which finally passed in full on Dec. 7, will show an impact.
Baltimore City approves inclusive housing bill December 5, 2023By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Social Justice Baltimore City Council chambers rocked with applause and cheers Dec. 4 as a strong new law requiring inclusionary – meaning, affordable – housing for low-income residents in new developments was adopted on its third reading.
Parishes play ‘vital role’ in bringing Christ to the world, say bishops November 21, 2023By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Bishops, News, Social Justice, World News Parishes play a “vital role” in bringing Christ’s transformative love to the world, said two U.S. bishops as a key document on social ministry marks its 30th year.
‘Poverty is a scandal,’ pope says; Christians must use gifts for charity November 20, 2023By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, Vatican, World News The material, cultural and spiritual poverties that exist in the world are a “scandal” that Christians are called to address by putting their God-given capacity for charity and love into action, Pope Francis said.
‘When you love the poor, you know their needs,’ papal almoner says November 18, 2023By Paulina Guzik OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, Vatican, World News Pope Francis will celebrate the World Day of the Poor for the seventh time on Nov. 19. The 2023 World Day of the Poor will be traditionally hosted by the Dicastery for the Service of Charity.
Eucharistic adoration, charity, promoting justice are connected, pope says November 16, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Eucharist, Feature, News, Social Justice, Vatican, World News The daily rhythm of the life of a priest should resemble “ping pong” — praying on one’s knees before the tabernacle, helping those in need and returning to prayer, Pope Francis told a group of Latino priests from the United States.
CCHD’s anti-poverty work depends on the faithful, ‘not foundations,’ says bishop November 15, 2023By OSV News OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, World News The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, urged U.S. Catholics to support the “urgent work” of the U.S. church’s domestic anti-poverty program by giving to the upcoming CCHD national collection.